Dear Dr. Abu-Zeid, The Board of Vision Ethiopia, an independent and nonpartisan network of Ethiopian academics and professionals, is in possession of your letter of June 5, 2020, addressed to…
It is with much regret that we inform speakers, partners, participants and the public that the Ninth conference, which was scheduled for March 21 & 22, 2020 has been postponed. The …
Colloquium on Post-Conflict Election and Transition in Ethiopia Online conference In collaboration with the Ethiopian Satellite and Radio Station (ESAT) 85 South Bragg Street, Alexandria Virginia, VA 22312 Change of…
Vision Ethiopia Rejects the Statement by the Secretary of the Treasury Regarding the GERD Click here for PDF version of this statement March 4, 2020 Vision Ethiopia, a nonprofit, nonpartisan… Vision Ethiopia Ninth Conference Rethinking the Ethiopian Transition December 30, 2019 Second and Final Call for Papers Following eight successful conferences, of which the last two were held in…